No Wi-Fi?!

From the title, I'm sure you can tell that there is no WiFi. So how did I upload this post, good ol' McDonalds of course.

Despite the fact that there is no Wi-Fi, Yellowstone is a gorgeous place! Today has been hard work getting around the park to find all the points of interests, like the geyser, the steep cliff faces, waterfalls and the complete clear lakes. Best not forget the bison/buffaloes!

I'm currently eating a Deluxe BLT whilst I write this, so this post wont be an award winning post unfortunately. However, when we leave Yellowstone tomorrow and arrive at Butte, MT, I'll hopefully have Wi-Fi, and I'll be able to fully summarise my amazing time at Yellowstone, with plenty of pictures.

Click here to see Where James will be tomorrow

Stay tuned!

This article is my 19th oldest. It is 134 words long, and it’s got 1 comment for now.


  • Lucy Milner

    Loved Yellowstone when I went there many years ago - hope "Old Faithful" geyser (note spelling") gave a good performance. Have fun all of you. Lucy x