Final blog post

From my current location, you can see I'm back home in England.

I have mixed emotions about this - I'm glad to be back home to the things I love, like my own bed and of course, my dog, Jeff.

The one and only, Jeff

However, looking back over the 4 weeks I spent in the U.S.A, realising what an experience it was, remembering the many beautiful places I visited and the lovely people I spoke to, I do really miss it.

Saying goodbye to our car. Thanks dad for the great photography...

Along the lines of shoddy photos, here are some more that didn't make the cut...

Levitating in Central Park

Attempt at picking Mr Lincoln's nose

Tired in Washington D.C

Quick kip on one of our long hauls

Embarrassing selfie on the Chicago bean (Cloud Gate)

I would like to thank everyone who left a comment on one of my posts; those who have been following the blog throughout my trip and everyone who told others about it! This blog was definitely a big part of my holiday, and knowing that people enjoyed reading it was amazing.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller

This article is my 24th oldest. It is 162 words long, and it’s got 2 comments for now.


  • Nanny and granddaddy

    Will miss all the updates but glad you are home safely
  • Mum

    You were a fantastic travelling companion. I'm so happy you enjoyed your USA adventure. I loved your blog xxx