From my current location, you can see I'm back home in England.
I have mixed emotions about this - I'm glad to be back home to the things I love, like my own bed and of course, my dog, Jeff.
However, looking back over the 4 weeks I spent in the U.S.A, realising what an experience it was, remembering the many beautiful places I visited and the lovely people I spoke to, I do really miss it.
Along the lines of shoddy photos, here are some more that didn't make the cut...
I would like to thank everyone who left a comment on one of my posts; those who have been following the blog throughout my trip and everyone who told others about it! This blog was definitely a big part of my holiday, and knowing that people enjoyed reading it was amazing.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't look around once in a while, you could miss it." Ferris Bueller
Nanny and granddaddy