Iowa State Fair!

What an amazing few days...

Yesterday, my family and our friends, Janet and Pete went on a boat trip on reservoir closeby to Ames. The weather was too beautiful to have a BBQ in the back yard, so we had a BBQ on the boat too.

Chillin' at the stern (back of the boat)

Extreme force from the most un-aerodynamic boat ever!

We took the rural route back home to take advantage of the lovely countryside.

Peaceful evening in Iowa

We finished off this eventful day by having some All-American smores.

Who needs a campfire when there's Propane gas?

I should be a food photographer...

The next day...

This turned out to be an awesome a day!

As per usual, I started the day with a bike ride. For the past 3 days in Ames, I've been trying to get to this lake Ada Hayden, but keep getting lost, and consequently my bike rides are becoming an hour longer than they should. However, today I succeeded. Hoorah!

Thanks, I feel welcomed

Tranquility at 6 o'clock in the morning

Today was the first day of the Iowa State Fair. I heard that it is in the 1001 things you should do before you die. This being the case and because it was the first day of the fair, we all went.

Must have a really stiff neck

You can't see but behind was a contestant for biggest Bull

Interesting smells around the place

I had to ask for the State Patrol's permission to have a picture, and I wasn't even in it?!

I set my self a personal challange to try and eat as many things on a stick as possible, however after eating a few corndogs, ribs wrapped in bacon and funnel cake, that in itself filled me up, I accepted defeat. Such an amateur.

You can tell from my face - I'm pretty full!

On a random note, here I am with Clifford the big red dog, which Louisa wanted me to do, honest...

You can never be too old to have a picture with the legend himself...

The fair went from me being annoyed about my Slush Puppy being too watery, to something pretty cool happening.

Channel 13's, WhoTV presenter/meteorologist, Ed Wilson asked whether my sister and I could be interviewed live, after a conversation we had with Ed about our road trip across America.

Nervous is an understatement to how I was feeling before and during the interview.

Click here to view it on

New best friend, Ed Wilson!

From mentioning my blog on the interview, the response has been immense. I'd like to thank all the new people who have visted my blog and hope they continue to follow me on my journey across the U.S.A. and those who left lovely comments on my previous posts. Also, big thanks to Ed Wilson for showing an interest in my blog and trip, and for being so cool!

Also, a special mention to my good friend Seb, who rolled his sisters car today. Don't worry, he's fine. #staystrongbrother

This article is my 17th oldest. It is 396 words long, and it’s got 9 comments for now.


  • Brandon lemke

    Thank you for the wonderful words on the news about my hometown. I will keep reading. And thank you for the shows doctor who and top gear!!!!! You should go to the Iowa cubs game at 7pm friday with fireworks. The best steak in des moines is jesse's embers on ingersol avenue. Eat pork while in Iowa best pork in the world. Try to get birkshire pork.
  • Alan Lander

    I saw you with Ed on the 6pm news. The state fair is a great place to see what Iowa is all about. When you visit Mount Rushmore try to travel on the needles highway,and visit Custer (state?) Park where the Bison roam free.
  • Mikayla

    You are both naturals in front of the camera! what a lovely video piece. Your trip sounds amazing! Very jealous! It makes me want to visit places I have never thought about before. Loving your outfits Louisa! Take care, xxx
  • Jenny Martin (Janet's friend from Ames!)

    Hi there, both Richard and I have enjoyed reading your blog. Great pictures and we especially enjoyed your comments. What a wonderful trip for you all to do as a family. Congratulations on pulling together such a fun and interesting itinerary. Glad you made it to Iowa "the real America". Safe travels. Enjoy the next two weeks keep the blog going. Jenny
  • Alicia

    You're hilarious!! Love your sense of humor!! Enjoy the rest of the country...You really should have tried more stuff on a stick!! Go back for more
  • Janet

    We have enjoyed showing you some of our favorite things about Ames and Iowa. Since we waved you off yesterday the house seems very quiet and a little boring! Looking forward to following your adventures on the rest of your travels.
  • Libby Nicholls

    Hello James, Libby here, saw you on TV! You're now famous in 'Merica Congratulations! can I have a shoutout because I am a dedicated fan long time (also Georgi because she hasn't had one yet, and Christie too) P.S you missed a good party tonight (LOL) X
  • Joel and Seb

  • Joel and Seb

    Hows your new best friend ed wilson?